
Identifying Pure Ghee

Now a days, everyone is selling "shuddha desi ghee" (fat derived from cow/buffalo milk). But you never know if the this ghee is really shuddha or pure. One of best ways I know of getting a pure ghee is to prepare it at home. But we are too busy to do anything like that. So how to identify a pure ghee? Well, just buy the smallest pack available on the shelf and put about 5-10 ml of ghee into a small (about 100 ml) gar jar with an airtight lid. Now shake this jar well so that the ghee spreads into it evenly. Now put this jar into refrigerator for 10 minutes so that ghee is solidified. Now pit this jar out in the sun. If whole of ghee melts pure clean liquid is accumulated at the bottom then it is a pure ghee. And if there is a whitish residue on the walls of a jar then this is nothing but what was added to ghee to increase its volume. I hope this helps everyone identify the pure ghee and not fall pray to adulterated food and food articles. So live bette

Etiquette Verses Education

I stormed into an ATM to withdraw cash. I saw the security guard (in his fifties) seated in the corner with his lunch box. He smiled at me and invited me to join him for lunch. I thanked him and said no. When I went back, I started to think about the incidence. This guy was hardly educated and still had the manners to invite a complete stranger to have meals with him. I recollected certain incidences where the people were known to me, well educated and to my amazement, never did any such act. My father always said, "Education doesn't teach you manners." It cannot be more true.

Should Owning a Fire Arm be this difficult?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." US Constitution, Second Amendment, gives its citizens a Right to Bear Arms without any hassles. In India, on the other hand, there are number of things that you need to go through. Let's take an overview. Gun ownership in India is a privilege under the Arms Act of 1959. The Arms Act of 1959 and the Arms Rules of 1962 were derived from the text of the Indian Arms Act of 1876 created by the British Rulers in view of the 1857 rebellion against the East India company. To obtain a license to own a firearm, a person has to prove that there exists "threat to life." (If you are lucky enough to be alive to prove that). Once a license is obtained, there are several restrictions on caliber and types of firearms (semiautomatic rifles, short barrel shotguns, and automatic weapons are not allowed for civilians). A lice

Happiness is not Momentary......

Most people remain unhappy because they don't have what they want. Many think acquiring something material will make them happy. But even after they achieve it, they find themselves not as happy. The reason it so happens is that, it is us who put such conditions on being happy. In reality, if we are not happy about what we already have and don't appreciate it then there is no guarantee that we will be happy in future. We must understand something, Happiness is neither momentary nor does it depend on anything tangible or intangible. It is a way of life. Happiness can be found in trivial things in life. We can choose to be happy if we want. Happiness is not something supernatural. It is already there within each of us. All we need to do is to free it from the "if...then" thinking and start enjoying everything that life has to offer. Hurry up guys, clock is ticking. With each passing day, the world is changing, our circumstances are changing, you are changing.

Rise Above the Criticism to Succeed

"When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical."   - Unknown We come across hundreds of people who constantly criticize other people or person for no reason. Even I found myself doing that most of the times. Soon I realized that this particular habit was actually keeping me from achieving my dreams. Why? Because to criticize someone/something we need to: Spend valuable time & effort in observing the person/situation Analyze the situation so as to find the areas to be critical about And finally verbalize ideas so that what you say makes sense to the other person In short, criticizing requires a good deal of creativity & a lot of deliberation. There can be thousands of reasons for people to criticize others. I have listed the most important ones below: They are insecure & often have inferiority. They are frustrated with their own shortcomings. They suffer

365 Hours To Better Life

During my management education, I was introduced to the concept of  KAIZEN . It is a Japanese word that simply means  "Continuous Improvement" . This concept was widely used in Japan to drastically improve the quality of production. Using this principle of continuous improvement, Japan leapfrogged to become a 2nd biggest economy in the world. In essence, this concept teaches us to strive to make improvement in whatever that we do. As per this philosophy, we should continue to look for ways to make some qualitative improvements in every process that we undertake. Looking closely, we can see that  KAIZEN  can be applied to virtually anything. Any activity, whether commercial or non-commercial, can be improved using this concept. Anyone can dramatically improve any aspect of his/her life by using this principle. Be it health, job, income, business, relationship,  anything. And all one needs to do is to put in " 365 Hours " next one year putting 1 hour each day

Make Most of Life

We all keep waiting for the right things to happen before we actually do something to change the things around us. But most of us forget that we are losing out on a non renewable resource of our lives -Time. Every thing else in life is replaceable, time is not. If you are one of these people then stop wasting your time and start doing what you always wanted to do. If you kept waiting for the right moment or right opportunity, it is never going to come. The right time is now. Do it now.  No matter what you want to do, just do it. Don't spend too much time preparing. Preparation is necessary but too much of it can potentially make you lose the opportunity at hand. Your best years will be gone before you know it. You will be engrossed in your life and won't realize it untill you are 60 years old. This is what happens to 99% of the people. They keep postponing the things to the point that it becomes impossible to do them. Don't fall in a procrastination trap. The ea