11 Ways to Control Calorie Intake
No, I will not suggest counting calories because is a sure way to failure. Overeating, by far is the basic reason most people can't meet their fitness goals. And to deal with it, we resort to calorie counting. Right from the evolution, humans suffered lack of enough food. Over the period of thousands of years human body evolved to be what it is today. It best works when it is fed less and worked more. Their daily calorie intake was less than what they actually needed. Just picture the lifestyle of our ancestors . Get right out of the comforts of the house (cave) first thing in the morning in search of a food. No matter how dangerous circumstances are. No matter if it's too hot or too cold. No excuse if it's raining. They had to get out and fetch their food. To make the matters worse , they had to be extra careful not to become prey of someone else. Doing all this, running all day around and still not having enough to eat. Few of them tried fa...