
Showing posts with the label Management

365 Hours To Better Life

During my management education, I was introduced to the concept of  KAIZEN . It is a Japanese word that simply means  "Continuous Improvement" . This concept was widely used in Japan to drastically improve the quality of production. Using this principle of continuous improvement, Japan leapfrogged to become a 2nd biggest economy in the world. In essence, this concept teaches us to strive to make improvement in whatever that we do. As per this philosophy, we should continue to look for ways to make some qualitative improvements in every process that we undertake. Looking closely, we can see that  KAIZEN  can be applied to virtually anything. Any activity, whether commercial or non-commercial, can be improved using this concept. Anyone can dramatically improve any aspect of his/her life by using this principle. Be it health, job, income, business, relationship,  anything. And all one needs to do is to put in " 365 Hours " next one year putting 1...

Finish It

I have closely observed several individuals who had a very ordinary beginning in life. But with a passage of time, they emerged as much more successful than most of their fortunate peers.Whether into business or Job, they all had one common characteristic-  Ability to finish the task . It looks simple but it is true. All the successful people have this ability to finish the task they undertake. Day after day, month after month, year after year; we can see them finishing one task after another. That is the reason they are successful. So if we want to achieve something worthwhile, this is the habit we need to inculcate. To simplify, we can begin with the following: Make a list of the things we need to do. Identify the most important things and second most important things. Do the most important ones the first thing in a day And then finish the second most important ones. Now make one more list and keep following the process. The ground rule is to  "...

Identifying the Future leaders

One of the most crucial decisions to take while expanding a team is to "Who is the right person for more responsibility?" A lot has been said and professed about the leadership development within the team. I typically look for the people who exhibit the following traits: They think about the team:  I have had opportunity lead the team of exceptionally talented people who are now heading their respective teams. This traits one of the most conspicuous one. They think about the total team not for themselves alone. They always put the objectives of the team ahead of their own. They usually come out with new/better ideas to handle any situation:  When you take time out to think about the organisation, only then you get good ideas. This shows that you are thinking about the challenges of the group. That also shows how involved you are in what the team is trying to achieve. They give due credit to their team members:  It is often observed that some people in the team t...