
Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

Killer In Your Home: Mosquito Repellents

You come home in the evening and immediately switch on the mosquito repellent. You think, now mosquitoes will get out and you can enjoy good nights sleep. Many other people use mosquito coils to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Most people believe, they are protected from viral infections such as malaria and dengue and rightly so. But at what cost? You might say, "It just costs Rs.65-70 for 30 nights!"  Absolutely. But how many of us can think of the health cost involved? For safer mosquito control options Click Here There are several chemicals used in manufacttring mosquito repellents: BCME (bis[cloromethyl]ether) Octachlorodipropyl ether ( s - 2 ) Sumithrin Prallethrin There are many more which are not even disclosed by the manufacturers. All these chemicals are nothing but poisons. All of these chemicals compounds are known to trigger Respiratory Diseases including Lung cancer. Certain studies have proven that an exposure of 8-10 years to the fum...

Why Fitness Resolutions don't work

You probably know many people who took a weight loss resolution. They get on the band wagon of strict dieting, strenuous work out schedules, sauna baths and what not. These people literally kill them selves in order to loose weight. The cumulative list of restriction can be summarized as fallows: I will get up at 5 in the morning and go for walk/jog, work out at home/gym or do yoga etc. I will stop eating sweets. No to oily food and other fats.(30% of body composition is fat. Can you imagine body without fats?) I will go on 'No Carb' Diet I will stop drinking. I will eat only raw fruits and veggies. I will use sugar free sweeteners.(anything for Bips) I will not eat at parties.(Why go to parties at all?) What goes Wrong? First, your body is accustomed to a set of lifestyle, so when you make some changes it challenges your body. It is in human psyche to resist any change that comes its way. It becomes painful to sustain that change bec...

Eat Less, Chew More

What is the one thing we need to live to our fullest potential? What is critical to our success in life? Unlike what most people think, this secret ingredient is " Energy ". A lot of it. And where does our energy come from? Any guesses? I am sorry to disappoint you on this one as well. Our energy comes from the " Food ". Not amused? Let's look closely. Most people are unaware of the fact that their eating habits are to blame if they do not experience 'fire in the belly'. Why? Because quantity of consumption determines the energy levels. The higher the consumption, the lower the energy levels and vice versa. So if you wake up tired or not as fresh then it is because of the heavy meal you consumed the last night. It has been scientifically proven that heavy meals consumed the previous night will adversely affect the quality of sleep. Even though you sleep beyond 6 or 7 hours, your body actually didn't rest. It was busy digesting the food. P...

The Right Sleeping Pattern

Why different people have different sleeping habits? Our bodies are designed in a way that requires intervals of rest after many activities that we undertake during the day. No wonder a good night's sleep is so important. There are many people who say that you need to go to bed at a particular time and wake up at certain times only. Often they recommend early rising which not best suited to most people. One book suggested rising at 5 in the morning.  These are the general perceptions about the sleeping habits and I have personaly experienced that such generalized approach doesn't hold true for a long. I decided to follow this suggestion. All was well for couple of days but soon I lost my patience and got back to my usual habit. Many people talk about habit. They are right but there is something more important than the habit itself -Your Sleeping Pattern. All of us have different biochemical cl...

3 Ways to Prevent Skin Infections in Summer

It's a summer time, TV channels are flooded with commercials of AC, sunscreens, talc, deos and yes, the Itch Creams. Let's talk about the recurrent skin infections people suffer due to high levels of humidity. Itch creams give immediate relief from itch. But we also know that it is a temporary solution. Another thing is that using such creams makes us increasingly dependent on medicines which, in my opinion is not a good bargain. Creams treat only effect and not the cause. A few years back, when I suffered recurrent infections, my physician friend suggested certain easy to adopt, practically free and absolutely natural steps to completely stop recurrence of infections. 1. Before taking bath do a dry massage of your body. Give special emphasis on underarms, inner thighs and toes. These are the sensitive spots that remain moist during summer. Rubbing them thoroughly will remove dead cells and improve blood circulation to the region. 2. Use goo...

6 Ways To Use Alcohol Intelligently

If you are looking to loose some weight then the ground rule is " Don't drink if you are trying to lose weight". As far calorific value is concerned a gram of alcohol contains about 7 calories (pretty close to fats which packs 9). Secondly, when you consume alcohol and subsequently food, your body will first digest alcohol and everything else will be stored as fats.  Another problem is you ten d to eat more after alc o hol since you will forget wh en to stop eating. So if you are a fitness enthusiast and want to get rid of the flab around your waist then you do not have any choice but to give up alcohol. Now, many people enjoy a drink or two after a day's work. Even I am fond of various wines, whiskeys and beers. But it is a big hindrance in a quest for fitness. Now we can not totally eliminate this phenomenon from our lives but we can surely control it it and manipulate it for our benefit. Many incarcerate alcohol in our society. But can it be a part of ...