Modern Medicine: Can it solve our health problems?
There has been numerous advancements in medical field. Tons of money and resources have been put into research and development. Despite all efforts, there are several (most) diseases and conditions which are not curable. Let's take a look at few conditions listed below: Diabetes: Causes are usually lifestyle, genetics, sedentary lifestyle. Non curable, non reversible. almost all diabetics die of multiple complications. High blood pressure: Causes are higher salt intake, genetics, sedentary lifestyle, higher stress levels. Non curable, non reversible. Psoriasis : Causes are genetics, autoimmune response of unknown origin. No cure, medications provide symptomatic relief and can at best slow the progression of the disease. Neurological disorders like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's : Causes unknown. No cure. Medication and treatment provide symptomatic relief and can at best slow the progression of the disease. Psychiatric Disorders: Causes are usually blamed o...